Infographic | Cloud Computing Services in Hospitality - What are the differences and benefits: PaaS, SaaS and IaaS

Posted on Nov 15
This infographic visualizes the differences, characteristics, and benefits of the various Cloud Computing Services available for the Hospitality industry, such as Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
Also, make sure to find these supporting content elements on Cloud Computing Services in the Hospitality Industry
- PODCAST l PaaS in Hospitality with Richard Castle (Cloudbeds) and Stephen Burke (Sciant)
- ARTICLE l Platform as a Service (PaaS) and other cloud related services for hospitality by André Baljeu
- VIDEO l Platform as a Service (Paas) in Hospitality with Richard Castle (Cloudbeds) and Stephen Burke (Sciant)
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