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Tim Sullivan, Cendyn CEO at HITEC 2022 - Career journey, innovation opportunities for hospitality & post-pandemic guest expectations

Tim Sullivan, Cendyn CEO at HITEC 2022 - Career journey, innovation opportunities for hospitality & post-pandemic guest expectations

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"The hospitality space is a fun industry - it's an industry that can foster much innovation because, in some ways, it's behind other industries in the technology and the interoperability of systems. But that also creates an opportunity because there's a lot of value to unlock." - states Tim Sullivan, CEO at Cendyn.

Lea Jordan sat down with Tim Sullivan during HITEC 2022 in Orlando, Florida, for a brief interview. Tim shares insights about his career journey, why the post-pandemic consumer expectations cause a disconnect in service experience levels in hospitality, and why he sees great potential for technology innovation, especially in the hospitality space.

Companies mentioned in the conversation:

NTT Communications l Uber l Mohonk Mountain House

The team attended HITEC 2022 in Orlando, Florida, and spoke with experts on-site about their background, technology trends shaping the hotel and travel industry, and more.

Cendyn is a Member at

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