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Special Offer - Yearbook 2022 - with Premium Subscription

2022 Yearbook together with 12 months
Premium subscription for €150,00.

Full access to the ever-growing knowledge-library of editorials for 12 months.
Including articles, videos, podcasts, and infographics.

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Download the interactive e-book with all 2022 editorials, and access all articles, videos, podcasts and infographics.

12 month full premium access to all editorial content. editorials bring together industry influencers, thought leaders, and decision-makers, offering co-created insightful content in one, central knowledge hub.

Insightful thought-leadership articles from industry experts.

Read Insightful thought-leadership articles from industry experts.

Podcasts discussing editorial topics in detail, from various view-points.

Listen Podcasts discussing editorial topics in detail, from various view-points.

Infographics providing high-quality visuals of editorial topics.

Visualise Infographics providing high-quality visuals of editorial topics.

Concise videos providing detailed breakdowns of monthly editorials.

Watch Concise videos providing detailed breakdowns of monthly editorials.

2022 Yearbook together with a 12 months
premium subscription for €150,00

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