S03E07: Moritz Klussmann | Customer Alliance
Posted on Oct 09
We went to Berlin to talk with Moritz Klussmann, CEO and Co-Founder of Customer Alliance.
Celebrating their 10 year anniversary, Moritz tells us about his journey starting a company right out of university, lessons learned and challenges faced.
Today with over 7000 customers worldwide, Customer Alliance provide Online Reputation Management & Customer Experience Management tools for their customers. Helping them provide engaging experiences at all stages of their own customers' journey, collecting feedback and improve their business.
00:28 - Background
03:59 - Challenges
05:35 - Customer Journey
07:17 - Voice Technology & Chat Bots
10:01 - Today's Smart Hotelier
14:47 - Online Reputation
15:35 - Today's Technology Gaps
18:49 - Personal Travel Expectations
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